The History of
the Geib Musical
Instrument Case Company
by Steve Kirtley
(c) 2013
Preface: Geib, Inc. is one of the legendary names in vintage musical instrument cases. Behind their quality products is a fascinating story of a successful American manufacturing company that was built by the hard work and integrity of the Geib family.
I am grateful to the following members of the Geib family for contributing their personal recollections and some rare photos to complement my own research: John Geib, grandson of founder Charles A. Geib and a longtime employee of the company; Jeff Geib, great-grandson of Charles A. Geib; Jerry Bowers, grandson of Nicholas V. Geib and a longtime employee; and finally, Jerry's son, Greg Bowers.

The Geib & Schaefer Company, 1906 (1)
The man on the right is Charles A. Geib. The older gentleman next to him is Jacob U. Schaefer. Standing next to Jacob is his daughter Mary.
Identifying the location of this building was a bit of a conundrum. A 951 street number is not mentioned in any of the historical accounts or company advertisements. The Thomas Poole article below says that in 1902, G&S erected a 2,500-square-foot, one-story factory at 1757 Central Park Avenue, and the next year, they added a second story to the building.
Here, we have a photo of a two-story factory in the right time period but with the wrong street number. How do we reconcile these facts? The answer is that in 1909, Chicago undertook a renumbering of streets throughout the city. Thus, 951 North Central Park Ave. became 1757 North Central Park Ave. This original 1902 location continued as a production facility throughout most of the company's history.
(1) Photos courtesy of Greg Bowers

The Geib & Shaefer Factory Shop Floor, 1906 (1)
This is an extremely rare view of the inside of an early instrument case factory, showing the workers at their stations. On the left, the ladies are sewing canvas cases at a table of sewing machines powered by a "line shaft," which is being belt-driven from an external steam or gasoline engine. Watch your skirts, ladies! The pipes from the ceiling are gas lights.
To the right are a pile of wooden violin case carcasses, ready for covering with Keratol imitation leather. At the top of the pile of unfinished cases is a completed case that appears to be the right size for a gramophone. Just behind that are two large floor-standing rivet machines, operated by a foot pedal to install case hardware with spit rivets.
If you look carefully, you can spot Jacob Shaefer and Charles Geib at the far end of the room. Jacob's daughter Mary is on the far right, and the young man just behind her is possibly her brother William C. Schaefer. This view is probably the second floor of the building above.
The office pictured below would have been on the first floor at the front of the building, and behind the office was probably the woodworking department where the wooden case carcasses were produced. The woodworking department would have had a similar belt-driven "line shaft" powering saws, sanders, and other machinery.

The Offices of the Geib & Schaefer Company, 1906 (1)
Left to right are Charles A. Geib on the phone, Mary (Marie) T. Shaefer, Jacob U. Schaefer, and Nicholas V. Geib with a Trumpet Case. Charles and Jacob are founding partners. Nicholas (brother of Charles) joined as a partner in 1906. Mary is the daughter of Jacob and the future wife of Nicholas.

Geib & Schaefer Canvas & Leather Cases
The canvas and leather cases produced by Geib & Schaefer were not soft "gig bags." They were actually relatively sturdy. It's true they had less protection than the later hard shell cases, but they generally offered more protection than today's chipboard cases. They were reinforced with "strawboard," which is stiffer than cardboard. G&S did not put an identifying brand on their early products, so we are unable to positively identify existing examples.
Canvas Case from 1917 Gibson Catalog. Quite possibly a G&S brand.
Description of G&S Canvas Case: We use a very heavy grade of strawboard covered with a fine quality canvas; heavy fleeced, lined edges are bound with Keratol, a leather handle, and trimmings.

Leather Case, showing the end-opening mechanism typical of both leather and canvas cases of the period.
Note: This is an M&W brand case, but G&S cases would have used the same sort of design. Today, these cases are often disparaged with the nickname "bottom dumpers," but when new, they offered fairly good protection. At the turn of the century, a leather case was considered the best possible quality.

A "Faultless" case from the 1917 Gibson catalog, most likely a Geib & Schaefer.
Here's Gibson's description of their "Faultless" case: the body of the case is three-ply, cross-grained veneer, covered with black seal art leather and molded to fit the instrument. Opens full-length like a violin case. Lined throughout and padded. Fine quality velvet or velour plush lining. Nickel-plated trimmings, lock, and key. Collapsible handle. String and pick pocket molded in case.
Early G&S hard shell cases did not yet have the oval stamp on the bottom but usually can be identified by the diamond design on the lid of the accessory pocket.
The Newly Invented "Hard Shell" Case
The description of the new "Faultless" case seems quite ordinary to us, but in the early 1900s, it was a radical new design. About 1904, we see the introduction of this new type of construction for cases of fretted instruments and orchestral instruments. It is a side-opening hard shell case molded of wood veneer plies, covered with Keratol imitation leather, lined with plush, and closed with spring catches.
It appeared positively modern compared to the canvas or leather end-opening cases and the black wooden "coffin" cases which had preceded them. Some features of the hard shell case had been evolving in violin cases for a decade or two.
Now, finally, all the components were available to make the hard shell case possible: inexpensive rotary-cut veneer, Keratol covering, and spring catches. It soon became the new standard for high-end cases. Leather prices were rising in the early 1900s, and by 1917, Gibson announced they had eliminated the leather cases from their catalog. This new style of construction was probably pioneered by M&W (Maulbetsch & Whitemore), a New Jersey competitor. M&W supplied many of Gibson's cases in the early 1900s, but Geib & Schaefer quickly began producing quality hard-shell cases. By the time M&W sold out to Felsberg in 1920, G&S was supplying many, if not most, of Gibson's cases and would continue to do so until well after WWII.
Chronology of the Company
1899 - Geib & Schaefer Company Established
The Geib & Schaefer Company, also known as G&S Co., was founded by Jacob U. Schaefer and Charles A. Geib in Chicago, Illinois. With 6 employees in an 800-square-foot facility, they manufacture canvas cases and leather cases for guitars and mandolins.
(Thomas Poole)
The address was 1739 Hancock Avenue, which has been renamed Drake Ave. and is 2 blocks east of the later location at 1757 North Central Park Ave.
Note: Thomas Poole reports a founding date of 1900, but G&S advertisements state, "Established 1899."
May 22, 1900
Charles A. Geib marries Elizabeth Schaefer, daughter of Jacob U. Schaefer.
G&S builds a 2500-square foot factory at 1757 Central Park Avenue, and continues subsequent enlargements in the following years.
(Thomas Poole)
The 1918 version of the building still exists at this site, though abandoned. See the photo further down.
The partnership adds Jacob's son William C. Schaefer and Charles' brother Nicholas Victor Geib. By 1916, Charles and Nicholas Geib have married the daughters of Jacob U. Schaefer.
(Thomas Poole)
1916 - Founding member Jacob Schaefer dies.
December 31, 1916 - Chicago Tribune
Obituary: Jacob Schaefer passes away.
Jacob B. SCHAEFER Sr., Dec. 30, 7 p.m., in his seventieth year, beloved husband of Mary B. Noel, fond father of Elizabeth Geib, Mary Geib, and William C, Jacob Jr., Joseph, and Margaret SCHAEFER, Funeral from his late residence, 3635 Cortland-St., Wednesday, Jan. 3, 1917, at 9:30 a.m., to St. Philomena church, where requiem high mass will be celebrated. Interment St. Joseph's cemetery, by autos. Member of St. Philomena court No. 398, C. O. F. Record Number: 19161231dn035

3635 Cortland St., Chicago, Il, Home of Jacob U. Schaefer
Located about 3 blocks from the factory at 1757 N. Central Park Ave.
Factory has 27,000 square feet of space and more than 100 employees. Geib & Schaefer is claimed to be the largest case manufacturer in the United States and probably the world. (Thomas Poole)
Note: This is the square footage of the existing factory building at 1751-57 N. Central Park Ave. See photo below.
Manufacturing and Wholesale Industries of Chicago,
Thomas B. Poole Company, 1918
Geib & Schaefer
Chicago has many manufacturing industries which figures not only as the largest in their specific fields to be found in the United States and undoubtedly in the entire world. Definite precedence of this order attaches to the extensive business conducted by Geib & Schaefer in the manufacturing of high-grade cases for music instruments, sample cases, cases for thermos bottles, etc., the various products being constructed of wood, leather, fiber and canvas and each type representing the acme of excellence. Like many another of the important industries of the western metropolis that of Geib & Schaefer has been developed along normal and conservative lines and from small beginnings.
In the year 1900 Jacob U. Schaefer and Charles A. Geib, both expert mechanics, formed a partnership and began manufacturing musical instrument cases and other similar products on a very modest scale, Mr. Geib having served a four years' apprenticeship in this special line and having become an expert artisan, while his partner had been fortified through one year of practical experience in the same field of manufacturing. With limited financial resources the two energetic and ambitious partners initiated manufacturing operations in a building at 1739 Hancock Avenue, where they made requisition of a floor space of only eight hundred square feet and where the original force of employees numbered only six.
The province of the enterprise at the start was confined to manufacturing of canvas cases for guitars and mandolins, and before the expiration of six months the scope of the business was expanded to include also the manufacturing of leather cases for musical instruments. Mr. Geib assumed the functions of business manager and salesman and Mr. Schaefer gave his close attention to the work and management of the factory. So effectively did Mr. Geib exploit the new enterprise and prove successful in the sale of the products that the business of the firm for the first year aggregated about thirteen thousand dollars, the output having been sold almost entirely to Chicago jobbers and retail dealers. With confidence in the cumulative success of their business, the principals in control of the now substantial business purchased, in 1902, a site at 1757 Central Park Avenue, and there erected an one-story factory building that supplied an aggregate floor space of twenty-five hundred square feet. The next year a second story was added to the building, while later the demands for greater accommodations led to the building of a second story and otherwise supplementing the plant until it now has a floor space of twenty-seven thousand square feet. The mechanical equipment and all incidental facilities are of the best modern type and in the operations now carried forward in this well equipped institution more than one hundred persons are employed, the greater number being skilled mechanics. The products of the factory now find sale in all parts of the United States and Canada, and a substantial trade has been developed also in Hawaii, Cuba and South Africa, the average annual business being now in excess of three hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Geib still remains in charge of the sales and general business of the firm and his honored associate, Mr. Schaefer, remained as general superintendent of the factory until his death, which occurred December 31, 1916. In 1906 William C. Schaefer, a son of Jacob U. Schaefer, one of the two founders of the business, was admitted to partnership, as was also Nicholas V. Geib, a brother of the other founder and present executive head of the enterprise. The firm how holds precedence in being the most extensive manufacturers of music cases in the United States, and it is probable that no concern in the world controls a larger or more important business in this field of industrial enterprise. The firm has membership in the Illinois Manufacturers' Association and stands as one of the vigorous and representative exponents of manufacturing and commercial enterprise in the western metropolis. William C. Schaefer is superintendent of the leather and canvas department of the business and factory, and Nicholas V. Geib has the superintendency of the woodworking department.
Charles A. Geib was born in Newberg, Wisconsin, April 29, 1876. His early educational advantages were limited. As a youth he learned the lessons and value of honest toil - principally through his association with the work of the home farm. He did not have the advantages of going to school for more than three years altogether. In 1896, at the age of twenty years he established his home in Chicago and found employment in the factory of Martin Weick Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of cases for musical instruments. His apprenticeship was most through and he acquired a full knowledge of all details of manufacturing as well as the commercial phases of this line of enterprise. He continued as a valuable employee of this company until 1900, when he initiated his independent career in the same line of manufacturing, by forming a partnership with the late Jacob U. Shaefer establishing the firm of Geib & Schaefer. May 22, 1900 recorded the marriage of Mr. Geib to Miss Elizabeth Schaefer, a daughter of his former partner, the late Jacob U. Schaefer, and the six children of this union are: Clarence G., Ambrose, Loretta, Dorothy, Lucille and Charles, Jr.
Jacob U. Schaefer was born in Oberprince Hessen, Nassau, Germany, in the year of 1847. In 1880 with his wife and one child he came to the United States. He was employed by the Pullman Company for twenty years. In 1899 he entered the employ of Martin Weick Manufacturing Company, and one year later he became associated with his son-in-law, Charles A. Geib, in organizing the firm of Geib & Schaefer and founding the business still conducted under this title, his active association with the enterprise having continued until his death, December 31, 1916, at the venerable age of sixty-nine years and eight months. Mr. Schaefer was a man of sterling character, commanded the respect and confidence of all who knew him, and lived an honest, upright and industrious life, one of the world's noble army of productive workers. In Hessen-Nassau, Germany, was solemnized his marriage to Miss Mary Noll, who survives him, and all save the eldest of their eight children were born after their emigration to America. Of the children two are deceased; Elizabeth is the wife of Charles A. Geib, as noted in the forgoing article; Mary is the wife of Nicholas V. Geib; William C. is a member of the firm of Geib & Schaefer, and the three younger children, Jacob U. is foreman at Geib & Schaefer's; Joseph A. and Margaret remain with their widowed mother.
William C. Schaefer, superintendent of the leather and canvas department of the factory of Geib & Schaefer, was born in Chicago on the 7th of January, 1884. As a lad of fourteen years he began work in the factory of Martin Weick Manufacturing Company and his experience was such as eventually to give him prestige as a skilled mechanic. Upon severing his association with this company he became one of the founders of Geib & Schaefer.
Nicholas V. Geib, founder of the veneer molds, fibre, and woodworking departments of Geib & Schaefer was born near Newburg, Wisconson on the 5th day of June, 1880. After his school days he left his parental home and traveled in various parts of the country - where he was employed in several lumbering and mechanical operations - his natural mechanical ability giving him marked facility in his work. In 1904 Mr. Geib came to Chicago and took employment in the factory of Geib & Schaefer, where under his skillful and mechanical workmanship devised new ways and means of adopting quicker and more accurate devices in the woodworking department of the well organized plant and entered as junior partner with William C. Schaefer in 1906. Nicholas Geib married Jacob U. Schaefer's daughter Mary.
The Thomas Poole article above provides valuable insights into the personalities of the Geib & Schaefer Company. Charles Geib, with only three years of formal schooling had the work-ethic, intelligence and ambition to start a new company at age 23. Three years earlier he had left the family farm in rural Wisconsin with it's limited opportunities and moved 100 miles south to the big city of Chicago to work at his brother-in-law's company. (See Martin Weick Mfg. Co. below.) There he apparently met Jacob Schaefer and became engaged to his daughter Elizabeth. Jacob's 20 years of work at the Pullman Company probably indicates he was the financial investor in the new G&S Company while Charles provided energy and leadership. A few years later Charles' younger brother Nic joined the firm and married Jacob's other daughter, Mary. So, this truly was a close-knit family business, and that probably was the primary strength that took them through the challenges over the years ahead.
The Martin Weick Manufacturing Company (Martin Weick Mfg Co.)
Note: A little background on The Martin Weick Manufacturing Company mentioned in the Thomas Poole article. In 1890 Martin Weick married Susan Geib,(2) who was the daughter of Peter Geib and older sister to Charles and Nic Geib. In 1895 he established The Martin Weick Manufacturing Company, which was the first case company in Chicago.(3) This means that Charles A. Geib got his start in case building by working at his brother-in-law's company, as did Jacob U. Schaefer and his son William C. Schaefer. Martin Weick has been mentioned as a "satchel maker" which probably refers to sheet music cases as well as instrument cases.
(2) http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/w/a/a/Debi-B-Waala-wi/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0046.html
(3) This is unattributed internet information
December 11, 1920 - Presto
Small Instrument Case-Maker Suspected by Federal Agents of Anti-Government Activity.
The former factory of Martin Weick, 1623 South Ashland avenue, Chicago, is no longer devoted to producing cases for small musical instruments as it was a year ago. The place is now an athletic club where young men hold forth in stunts of strength and grace. And Martin Weick, it is reported, left the city some time ago, without leaving any address, as he fears the action of Uncle Sam; for, it is asserted, Federal officers found a great quantity of Bolshevist and German propaganda against the U. S. government in printed matter in Mr. Weick's cellar.
'"What became of his sons, who were working for him in the factory?" asked Presto's representative of the young man at the club. "Those boys were not his sons," replied the young man. "Weick only pretended they were his sons so that he would get a good standing in the community. Anybody who has a bill to collect from Mr. Weick will have a time getting his money, I should judge."
Note: Subsequently, The Weick Mfg. Co. is acquired by Paragon Manufacturing Co. and continues on until the crash of 1929, but there is no further mention of Martin Weick's involvement.

The Geib & Schaefer Factory
The old G&S factory building is still standing as of 2013. The last additions were completed by 1918. This was the main Geib production facility until 1968.

Geib & Schaefer Company Factory Building,
Completed 1918, 1751-57 N. Central Park, Chicago, Illinois
(Images courtesy of [email protected] )

An aerial view of 1751-57 N. Central Park Ave., showing evidence of enlargements over the years. The red rectangle is the original 1902 building
The elevated Bloomingdale Rail Line can be seen running along the bottom of this photo. It was built as a ground-level line in 1874 but neighborhood pressure finally forced it to be rebuilt as an elevated rail line in 1915. It would be safe to assume that the bold signage on the 1906 factory photo below was also repeated on the opposite side of the building where it would be seen by all passing trains.

Comparison of 1906 Photo and 1918 Building
Here's a view of the 1906 factory photo superimposed on a flipped view the existing building completed in 1918. The 25 foot-wide entrance of the existing building is exactly the width of the original 1902 structure. The two photos were taken from slightly different angles but the similarities of the dimensions and windows placement are obvious. The building that stands today has received a new brick facade and numerous additions to the side and rear. The red outline would have been the area of the original building after the second story was added in 1903. In the 1906 photo the area to the right would have been the empty portion of the property that is now occupied by later additions. On the opposite side of the building to the left would have been W. Bloomingdale Ave. and the Bloomingdale rail line. Why does the 1906 photo have wood siding but the newer building has brick? Look closely at the interior walls of the shop floor photo at the beginning of the story. The 1902 building was built of brick with decorative wood siding applied, a common style for industrial buildings of that day in Chicago. During later enlargements the wood was stripped off.

1922 - Founding member Charles A. Geib dies, December 18, 1921
January 9, 1922 - Music Trade Review*
The passing of Charles Geib, president of Geib & Schaefer, Inc., manufacturers of band instruments, 1757 North Central Park avenue, this city, following a sudden attack of diphtheria, is deeply mourned by his many friends among the music fraternity. Mr. Geib was only forty-five years old. The deceased leaves a widow, six children and a brother, Nicholas Geib, who has assumed the management of the business.
1923 - William C. Schaeffer leaves to start new company, G&S completes new factory
The location of William Schaeffer's new factory is about a quarter mile down the street from the house of his father, Jacob Schaefer, and half a mile from the G&S factory. Nothing more has been found about this company or Shabro cases. It could have been a short-lived venture, or it's possible they didn't brand their cases or advertise in the trade press.
January 2, 1923 - Music Trade Review*
New Chicago Corporation to Manufacture and Sell Cases for Musical Instruments
One of the most important features of the musical merchandize, which just closed was the organization of the Schaeffer Co., a corporation which will manufacture and sell cases for musical instruments. This concern is now engaged in the erection of a large new factory building at the corner of North Springfield Avenue and Cortland St. The factory will be completed very shortly and soon the firm will be distributing cases to the trade from the new plant. The new building is of steel and brick, 275 by 125 feet, thoroughly modern in every detail of construction and equipment, including the most up-to-date machinery.
Wm. C. Schaeffer, the president, began making cases twenty-six years ago. (1897) Three years later he was one of the organizers of Geib & Schaeffer, who for many years were well known to the trade as manufacturers of high-grade cases. He served as vice-president of this firm and designed the most popular cases turned out by Geib & Schaeffer. He resigned last year to participate in the formation of the new concern.
His partners have been engaged in the manufacture of cases for more than fifteen years.
Cases will be manufactured for the trade under the trade-marked name, "Shabro." About two hundred hands will be employed in the new factory.
April 7, 1923 - Music Trade Review*
Geib & Schaefer Build Addition to Factory to Increase Production Capacity
Chicago, Ill., March 31. - Geib & Schaefer, manufacturers of musical instrument cases, with headquarters at 1753 North Central Park Avenue, have already broken ground for a building which will add 25,000 more square feet to their factory. The large demand for musical instrument cases has compelled them to increase their production. Along with the new building will be many new improvements to the factory in the way of machinery, etc.
Here is another conundrum. A new factory is being built in 1923, but exactly what is the location? The article above makes it sound like they're adding onto the headquarters building at 1753 N. Central Park Ave., but that's not possible. In 1918 that building was already 27,000 square feet, which is the size of the building that is still standing there today, and there's no more room on that lot. The article below says that the "old factory" at 711 Central Park Avenue is being "practically demolished" and a new 45,000 square foot building built in its place. So, this 1923 factory was being built at a different location than the headquarters. The location can't be 711 "North" Central Park Ave. as that is the middle of a residential block. Also, 711 "South" Central Park is likewise occupied be some large old apartment buildings and seems unlikely to be a factory location. (There is no possibility of a 711 other than 711 North or 711 South.) However, if 711 was a number from prior to the 1909 street number change (perhaps still being used in 1923?) it equates today to approximately 1378 N. Central Park Ave., which is a large triangular lot about half a mile south of headquarters and next to the railroad tracks. There is also evidence of old footings of a large building. Could this have been the location of the 1923 building? If so, it seems likely that the 1930's depression-era downturn in business led to this building being abandoned and later destroyed.

1923 - William C. Schaeffer leaves to start new company, G&S completes new factory
September 1, 1923 - Music Trade Review*
The new factory which has been under construction for Geib & Schaefer, manufacturers of musical instrument cases, during many months, has finally been completed. As a matter of fact, the old factory at 711 Central Park Avenue was practically demolished and the new building erected in its place. It is now one of the largest and most up-to-date factories of its kind, two stories high, with about 45,000 square feet of space. Arrangements have also been made to build additional stories as the production demands. On the first floor in the front are the general and private offices, with the wood-working, assembling and shipping departments. The second floor comprises the finishing department and stockroom. An experimental department has also been arranged for developing new styles. The new factory enables the manufacturers to double their production with the additional help, space and new machinery that have been secured, and it was in accordance with their policy of rendering service that these extensive plans have been made. A very big fall and one of the largest years in the history of the business are looked for this year.
Clarence Geib, assistant general manager, will leave his duties for a short while this month, during which time he will be married to Miss Dorothy O'Neill, of Chicago.
Note: Clarence Geib mentioned in this article is the oldest son of founder Charles A. Geib
July 7, 1923 - Music Trade Review*
Geib & Schaefer Co., Manufacturer of Musical Instrument Cases and Bags, Makes Extensive Improvements and Erects Large New Factory
CHICAGO, ILL., July 2.- The new factory being built by Geib & Schaefer next to the old factory site at 1753 North Central Park avenue, this city, is nearing completion and is expected to be finished by next month. With 20,000 square feet added to the old factory production facilities will be greatly increased. It was on account of the policy of the manufacturers to give prompt service that additions were made, as the demand for the product is steadily increasing.
The very latest machinery and equipment will be installed in the new factory and everything provided to care for the growing demand.
1924 - New factory building, introduction of KantKrak cases
February 23, 1924 - Music Trade Review*
Geib & Schaefer Complete Large New Factory
New Plant Contains 50,000 Square Feet of Floor Space With Provision for Enlargement as Increased Business Warrants
The completion of the new Geib & Schaefer factory at 711 Central Park avenue recently marks the culmination of the growth this company has experienced during the past quarter century. Nineteen hundred and twenty-four is an important date in the history of these manufacturers of musical instrument cases which now celebrates its twenty fifth anniversary. Ever since its foundation by the late Charles Geib they have maintained the high quality, perfection of workmanship and, consistency of prices which have been fundamental in its growth.
Geib & Schaefer are now able, with the new addition, to double their production, thus insuring prompt deliveries. This factory represents one of the largest and most modern factories of its kind. It is two stories high, containing about 50,000 square feet of space, while arrangements have been made to build additional stories as the business demands.
The business has been built up by the company through such leading jobbers as the Wurlitzer Co., Lyon & Healy, Inc., Tonk Bros., Win. Lewis, J. W. Jenkins' Sons Co. and many others. Although the entire line manufactured by this company is very popular with the trade, there is an exceptionally large demand for the Kant Krack Quality cases, which shows the satisfaction that this line has met with throughout the trade. The patented Kant Krack case is made of a special fabric which has been developed in the Geib & Schaefer plant. This case, as its name suggests, really cannot crack. Another line that is meeting with much favor is the Geib & Schaefer canvas, keratol and leather cases and they are especially popular with the trade that desires a medium-priced case.
Throughout the Geib & Schaefer plant pride of craftsmanship can be found among the employees, who take personal interest in their work. Most of the employees of this concern have been with the company for a great length of time and have put forth their best efforts to build up the large business this company does.

- 1739 Hancock Avenue (now renamed Drake Ave.) Original site of Geib & Schaefer from 1899 to 1902
- 1751-57 N. Central Park Ave. (was renumbered from 951 in 1909) The Geib & Schaefer factory from 1902 to 1977
- 3635 Cortland St., Home of Jacob U. Schaefer, co-founder of Geib & Schaefer
- North Springfield and Cortland, site of Schaefer Company, founded in 1922 by William C. Shaefer, son of Jacob Schaefer
- 3700 W. North Ave., Geib headquarters and factory from 1967 to 1977
- "711" Central Park Ave., possible location of 1923 factory building, current street numbering is 1378 N. Central Park Ave.
- 451 Greenfield St., home of Nicholas V. Geib. Not on this map but about 3.5 miles west of 1757 N. Central Park Ave.
March 1924 - Music Trade Review*
Large demand for KantKrack Quality cases, also canvas, keratol and leather cases.
Note: The KantKrack brand had been recently introduced.

1925 - New Catalog
September 19, 1925 - Music Trade Review*
Geib & Schaefer Issue New Catalog of Line
Well-known Case Manufacturer of Chicago Lists Number of New Items in Fall Line
The Geib & Schaefer Co., 1751-57 North Central Park avenue, manufacturer of musical instrument cases, has issued a new catalog folder describing and illustrating a number of its more popular cases and new additions to the line. Several leaders in violin cases are shown made of the Kant Krack Shell. This is an exclusive feature of the Geib & Schaefer cases, made by a special patented process and classed as a composition material.
Kant Krack cases are made of several thicknesses of fabric treated with certain chemicals and baked into shape under high pressure. The result is a seamless, practically unbreakable case which enjoys a large demand because of its neatness and general durability.
Styles of Koverlet cases are shown in the violin and tenor-banjo. The Koverlet designates a blanket which covers the instrument completely and protects it from falling out or exposure of any kind. It is made of a firm material, hinged onto the cases, padded and covered with the same material as the lining. Several new styles are also shown.
Kant Krack cases were made of a composite material which included sizing and rosin, among other ingredients. The mixture, along with layers of burlap reinforcement, was placed in two-part metal molds which were heated over a gas flame to cure the material. Needless to say, the room where Kank Krak cases were being baked is said to have been like stepping into a sauna. The first Kant Krak cases that were produced were for French Horns, then came other orchestral instruments, violins, and even guitars.(4) Kant Krack cases were light and strong, sort of the high-tech "carbon fiber" cases of the day.
(4) Jerry Bowers
March 1924 - Music Trade Review*
Large demand for KantKrack Quality cases, also canvas, keratol and leather cases.
Note: The KantKrack brand had been recently introduced.

October 31, 1925 - Music Trade Review*
Geib & Schaefer Go. Plant Now Working Overtime
Additional Equipment Also Installed in Chicago Musical Instrument Case Factory to Keep Up With Demand
The large demand for stringed and brass instruments is emphasized at the busy plant of the Geib & Schaefer Co., manufacturer of musical instrument cases, located at 1753 North Central Park avenue, this city.
The heavy demand for the Geib & Schaefer line of cases has necessitated operating the plant on an overtime schedule and also increasing the production with the installation of some new machines and additional help. Nic Geib, president of the company, reports that the business shows an increase of 10 per cent over last year, which was the largest year in the history of the company, and with the continual increase in business, 1925 will break all previous records.
1927 - New Catalog
February 5, 1927 - The Music Trade Review*
New Catalog Issued by Geib & Schaefer Go.
New Publication of Chicago House Lists Many Novelties in Company's 1927 Line
The Geib & Schaefer Co., manufacturer of the Kant-Krack, Mastercraft three-ply Veneer, and Utility lines of quality musical instrument and specialty cases, 1751-57 North Central Park avenue, has issued an attractive new catalog illustrating and describing the entire line and introducing several new cases.
"Durability is the keynote struck in the manufacture of all of Geib & Schaefer products," says the foreword of the booklet. "This durability is of such a kind that the case becomes an integral part of the instrument itself, and as treasured a possession."
The index to the catalog which follows shows an unusually large line of cases and bags for all musical instruments as well as accessories. The band instrument cases are shown in the first section and for the convenience of the trade diagrams are given so that correct measurements can be specified according to the chart when ordering these cases.
As the company is now making many styles and sizes with different materials, the various trade-marks of the different materials are introduced, including the "Utility" lines, "Mastercraft" line and "Kant Krack" line. The attractive illustrations also show the material used.
Among the new articles recently brought out and shown in the catalog are the bow cases constructed of selected basswood, dovetailed edges, with rounded corners, and also baton cases constructed of basswood.
The cornet and trumpet cases that have gained such wide popularity during the past year with the introduction of the patented slide block feature are shown with shells made of the patented Kant Krack composition process covered with keratol and with nickel trimmings.
In addition to the extensive line of violin cases made in the Kant Krack, Utility and Mastercraft materials, a line of violin cases made in selected skins such as walrus, shark, alligator, cowhide, etc., with De Luxe Kant Krack shell, are likewise introduced together with Koverlet cases. The latter designates a blanket or cover which protects the instrument from falling out, moisture or exposures of any kind.
An attractive line of novelty cases is also introduced. These cases for stringed instruments are made in fancy colors such as blue, green, tan, etc. The utility line is constructed of heavy chipboard and flannel lined with colors to match the outside of the case, while the Kant Krack line is made of Kant Krack shell, covered with cobra grain keratol and the linings are silk plush.

March 1927 - Nicholas V. Geib is President, Ambrose Geib is Secretary of Geib & Schaefer

Nicholas V. Geib, had assumed the management of the business when his brother Charles A Geib had died in 1921. Charles's will had placed his estate in the control a group of trustees. In March 1927 Ambrose Geib, son of Charles Geib, bought two thirds of the stock from his late father's estate. The agreement was for Ambrose to put part of the money down and make payments on the remainder. Nic Geib co-signed the note for his nephew Ambrose. The same month the Music Trade Review names N.V. Geib as company president and Ambrose Geib as Secretary of the company. These two have a very close working relationship throughout the years.
Somewhere about this time Ambrose expressed an interest in buying the majority of the company from Nic. The timing is not quite certain but it may have been in the 1930's after Ambrose finished paying off the stock purchase from the estate. Nic owned two thirds of the company and Ambrose owned one third. They had a handshake agreement. Ambrose said "I have a third of the company, and you have two thirds now." "When I get enough money I'll buy you out or at least I'll buy a majority." At that time everything was done with a handshake. But a few years later the company started doing great. (This was probably after the Depression was over.) When the agreed upon time came Ambrose had enough money put aside but the deal never happened. Nic, as smart as he was, realized "I've got a gold mine here; I'm not going give it up." So it stayed that way throughout the years. Nic Senior was president and two thirds owner, and Ambrose was a one third owner.(5)
(5) John Geib
The 1918 Thomas Poole story states that Nicholas V. Geib was founder of the veneer molds, fibre, and woodworking departments of Geib & Schaefer. John Geib, son of Ambrose confirms that "Nic Geib loved the mill room, that was his baby." "He loved the wood work. "He loved to walk through there every day and talk to the workman, talk to the foreman and see things made. "He didn't get involved himself with this hands but he was in there every day. "Most of the time he was down there from 8:30 to 4:00. "One of the reasons he was down there was that his wife wouldn't let him smoke at home. "He liked to smoke cigars and he couldn't smoke in his house but down there in the mill room he could, so he spent a lot of time there."

Ambrose's title as company secretary would imply a role of providing legal guidance, but the description of his actual duties is sounds more like a Chief Operating Officer (COO). John Geib recalls his father's involvement in the business, saying: "Ambrose was the one who planned production for the whole company." "He would meet with the department foremen and review production, check with the office on sales each day. "He would also go out on the road, get new customers and see old customers. "He had a lunch time almost every day with someone from the Harmony company or Kay, Sears or Wards or a vendor. "Anybody like that he would take out to lunch to keep business going. "So he was a very important part of the company."
"The foremen just loved Ambrose." "He would walk around the shop and talk to all the employees. "He would actually join in and work if he saw a need. "He would look over and say to the foreman 'You've got a vacant sewing machine there' and the foreman would say 'I've got that guy sick today.' "Ambrose would jump right on a machine and start sewing soft shell cases. "He did different things like that in all the departments. "He just loved to communicate with the people and treated them 100%."
"Ambrose was known to help out people who were having hard times or needed a job." "He might give them a hand out, or say 'I've got a job down at the shop come and see me.' "And he would hire them whether the company needed them or not. "He would help anyone. "Sometimes he got suckered. "But he would say 'You just can't let people waste away like that, you've got to find them employment, to make them proud of what they're doing.'"
"One of the reasons why everybody respected Ambrose so much was his high moral values." "He would take a bunch of customers out or go to a convention, and if someone would start telling a smut story or a dirty story he would get up and leave. "He would tell them 'I don't care if I lose the business, I do not communicate this way.' "And he was so well respected for this; that where ever he went people just understood this and treated him with utmost respect."
May 28 1927 - Music Trade Review*
Many exhibits at the forthcoming convention of the Music Industries will be enhanced with the High Lustre Plush, manufactured by the High Lustre Plush Co., of 1751 North Central Park avenue, of which Frank Meter, of Geib & Schaefer Co., is president. Mr. Meter announces that High Lustre Plush is used by dealers throughout the country in window displays as it makes an unusually striking background for display.
May 28 1927 - Music Trade Review*
GEIB & SCHAEFER CO. Chicago, 111. Will display its regular line of musical Instrument cases at Hotel Stevens. Nic. V. Gelb, Ambrose C. Geib and Frank A. Meter will be in charge.
September 24, 1927 - Music Trade Review*
Musical Merchandise Men of Chicago Play Golf
Local Jobbers and Manufacturers Have Lively Tournament at Brookwood Country Club on September 15
CHICAGO, II . , September 17.—Sixteen local jobbers and manufacturers gathered at the Brookwood Country Club on Thursday, September 15th, to attend the golf tournament held by the Association of Musical Merchandise Manufacturers of the Chicago Zone.
The members and guests drove out to the Brookwood Country Club, about twenty miles from Chicago, in the morning and had lunch, following which the foursomes were made up among the following members who were present: F. R. Johnson, President of the Globe Music Co.; A. E. Hunter, Vice-President of the Regal Musical Instrument Co.; H. H. Slingerland, President of the Slingerland Banjo Co., H. K. Kuhrmeyer, Stromberg-Voisinet Co., J. R. Stewart, President J. R. Stewart Co., Walter M. Gotsch, President Walter M. Gotsch Co., Nic and Ambrose Geib, Geib & Schaefer Co., J. J. D. Taylor, Waverly Musical Products Co., Inc., Jay Kraus, Harmony Co., J. L. Luellan, Continental Music Co.. M. H. Berlin and C. E. Barber, Chicago Musical Instrument Co., E. A. Hartman, Conn Chicago Co., Paul Moennig and A. Abicht, Tonk Bros. Co.
Although a downpour of rain added to the handicaps of this sporty course, some good golf was played and Berlin of the Chicago Musical Instrument Co. took the low net honors with a gross score of 93, handicap of 18, and net 75, while Kuhrmeyer won the low gross with a score of 89. Both winners received a set of golf sticks, presented at a dinner held at the club in the evening where amid much good fellowship the outing was voted a huge success.

In the tournament a foursome composed of John Luellen, Paul Moennig,. Nic Geib and Al Hunter, Messrs. Geib and Moennig established a record in playing the water holes. There are seven water hazards on this beautiful eighteen-hole course and on the seventeenth hole Geib put seven balls into the creek, and Moennig ran a close second with five. This is reputed to be a course record.
The prize that this foursome was playing for was a tenor guitar made by Al Hunter, of the Regal Musical Instrument Co., and a case to fit designed by Nic Geib, of Geib & Schaefer. Sad to relate, but the two jobbers, Messrs. Moennig and Luellen, won a prize. This is the first year that Mr. Moennig has taken up golf and we understand he shot 104 all by himself one day. John Luellen wields considerable mashie.
1928 - New Trademarks: Com-Po, Challenge and Durabilt
December 1928 - Music Trade Review*
Geib & Schaefer is the "World's Largest Manufacturers of Musical Instrument Cases"
November 24, 1928 - Music Trade Review*
Two new lines announced with trademark names of "Com-Po" and "Challenge".
August 18, 1928 - Music Trade Review*
The Geib & Schaefer Co., manufacturer of the well-known brands of Kant Krack, Quality Canvas, Utility, and Mastercraft cases, announces that a new line of cases will be introduced very shortly to the trade, bearing the trade mark brand of "Durabilt." These cases will be made under the well known Kant Krack process to sell at a popular price and meet the competition of imported cases.
1929 - Puritan Cases and Dul-C-Ton Phonographs
1929 - Music Trade Review*
G&S first advertises trademarked "Puritan" cases and "Dul-C-Ton" portable phonographs. G&S advertises new "patent-applied-for" Masterkraft accordion cases. G&S Factory running overtime during month of November. Accordian case with new features — Split Top, Masterkraft construction, Laminated Bass wood, Fabrikoid covering, Boar grain, Top and end leather handles, Heavy metal trimmings, Linings in duvetyn, corduroy, cotton plush, silk plush.
1929 - Music Trade Review*
Factory running overtime during month of November due to large number of musical instrument cases.

1930 - Megaphones
July 27, 1930 - Music Trade Review*
Geib & Schaefer buys fibre and side opening chip board music instrument case departments of Consolidated Case Corp, Inc., including megaphones.
October 1930 - Music Trade Review*
Catalog Issued on Geib & Schaefer Megaphones
The Geib & Schaefer Co., Chicago, Ill., widely celebrated makers of musical instrument cases of superior quality, continue to expand their manufacturing lines and increase the items which bear the well-known Geib & Schaefer label. They have just issued a small folder, illustrated, showing the complete line of megaphones they make in different material in many sizes, and a Meg-o-rack or folding stand holder for megaphones. Their megaphones are made of trunk fibre with nickel mouthpieces, and the smaller models come in seven, nine, twelve and fifteen inch sizes. Then the middle group runs from eighteen to twenty-eight inches.
Style No. 3321 Geib & Schaefer megaphone is equipped with nickel handles and a heavy rim at the large end and nickel-plated mouthpiece. These run from eighteen to thirty-six inches in size.

July, 1931 - Music Trade Review*
The first week in February Sales Manager Frank S. Meter, Geib & Schaefer, was perhaps one of the busiest men in Chicago, for, in addition to his maintaining constant contact with the company's distributors, he took over part of the work of Nic and Ambrose Geib, both of whom were confined to their homes with severe attacks of influenza. He had just come back from a comprehensive trip which embraced practically almost all of the distributors of Geib & Schaefer products. He visited the principal towns in the East and Central points in the mid-west and in the Mississippi Valley and was quite pleased about business. He said: "I found the manufacturers and distributors to be busier - that is, they had more orders and were making more shipments - than for four or five months past, and consequently their orders for Geib & Schaefer cases and other products that we make were greater. Without exception, all of them were not only pleased with the present amount of orders they are getting, but optimistic about the future, judged from what their customers report to them."
1934 - New Case Styles
Starting in 1934 Geib & Schaefer built special cases for top-of-the-line Gibson Super 400, Super J-200, and L-5 guitars. The cases were covered with brown leather, and newly available chemical dyes made possible a bright magenta silk plush lining. After World War II Gibson was to specify these colors for Gibson-branded cases that were produced by both Geib and Lifton. In the 1950's the color scheme became most closely associated with Lifton as they also used similar colors for Lifton-badged cases sold to the general trade.

July 1936 - Music Trade Review - Last known published mention of "Geib & Schaefer" as the name of the company.
June-July 1936 Presto-Times lists Geib & Schaefer, Chicago in it's annual listing of manufacturers
June-July 1937 Presto-Times does not list Geib & Schaefer
1937 - Geib Inc. replaces Geib & Schaefer
By 1937 - Cases are being stamped "GEIB Inc.", also the Geib medallion begins to be seen on some cases. The reason for the incorporation is not known. It had been about ten years since Nicholas and Ambrose Geib had become joint owners of the company, with Nic owning two thirds and Ambrose owning one third. It had been many years since any Schaefer's were involved in ownership or management of the company, so it made sense to shorten the name to Geib when incorporating.
1939 - Published use of "Geib, Inc."
July 1939 - Music Trade Review contains published advertisements using the company name: Geib Inc.

1942-45: War Time Production
The company was quite busy during the war years. During the duration of World War II many factories curtailed normal production and substituted military contract work that was suited to the factory's equipment and labor force. Geib had sewing machines that were used to make cardboard cases. They were able to repurpose those capabilities to sew small canvas goods for the army. Geib did continue to produce instrument cases as well during this time.

1947 - Nicholas J. Geib, Yachtsman
Nicholas J. Geib, son of Nicholas V. Geib, has a 40 foot yacht built. Over the next several years he wins many races on the Great Lakes and participates in the annual Miami to Havana yacht races.

Sport: Geib's Jibe
Monday, Aug. 06, 1956
Saltwater skippers like to downgrade the 333-mile Chicago-to-Mackinac Island sailing race; Lake Michigan's waters are troubled with no tidal rips, no tide-fouled soundings to try the seamanship of the racing yachtsman. Still, the "world's longest race on drinking water" is no pleasure cruise for landlubbers; it has hazards enough of its own. Foul weather makes up out of nowhere, fog abounds, squalls are sharp and sudden. By playing those unpredictable elements shrewdly last week, Nicholas J. Geib, 39, a manufacturer of musical-instrument cases, brought home his nimble 39-ft. yawl Fleetwood through the Straits...
Note: Nicholas J. Geib, born 1917, is the son of Nicholas V. Geib.
1956: Yachting
National Events.
The outstanding event on the West Coast was the 3,571-mi. Los Angeles-to-Tahiti race with five starters, all Californians. It was won by the smallest of them, Bill Sturgis' 56-ft. yawl Jada, from San Marino. The midwest standouts were the two Mackinac Island races. Nic Geib's 38 1/2-ft. yawl Fleetwood took the 333-mi. race to the island from Chicago. It was her third over-all triumph and the fifth in her division.
The Garfieldian, November 20, 1947
PHONOGRAPHS SAVE Buy Your Phonograph for your Christmas Gift Direct From Factory at Reduced Costs GEIB INC 1751 N Central Park Ave
1948- Economo Trademark Registered
On Tuesday, June 08, 1948, a U.S. federal trademark registration was filed for ECONOMO by GEIB, INCORPORATED, CHICAGO , . The USPTO has given the ECONOMO trademark serial number of 71558712. The current federal status of this trademark filing is EXPIRED. The description provided to the USPTO for ECONOMO is CASES FOR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS-NAMELY, GUITAR, VIOLIN, TENOR BANJO, VIOLA, TRUMPET, CORNET, TROMBONE, AND MANDOLIN CASES.
Note: Economo was an expired trademark of the B.R. Hunt case company, originally registered in 1928. Geib had gotten it through company acquisitions in the 30's but had never used the trademark. Now Geib registered the Economo name and begins using it in cases, in the form of a small round medallion.

Sport: Geib's Jibe
Monday, Aug. 06, 1956
Saltwater skippers like to downgrade the 333-mile Chicago-to-Mackinac Island sailing race; Lake Michigan's waters are troubled with no tidal rips, no tide-fouled soundings to try the seamanship of the racing yachtsman. Still, the "world's longest race on drinking water" is no pleasure cruise for landlubbers; it has hazards enough of its own. Foul weather makes up out of nowhere, fog abounds, squalls are sharp and sudden. By playing those unpredictable elements shrewdly last week, Nicholas J. Geib, 39, a manufacturer of musical-instrument cases, brought home his nimble 39-ft. yawl Fleetwood through the Straits...